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9 Lineages of Reiki
125$Every monthSubscribe and save with our monthly membership program!- 9 Lineages of Reiki Session In-Person or Remote ($130 Value)
- 5% Off of all sessions, and from Crystal Store
Reiki & Crystal
190$Every monthSubscribe and save with our monthly membership program!- 1 Free Reiki & Crystal Therapy Session
- 1 Free Tarot Reading
- 5% off of any sessions, or from the Crystal Store
Magical Healing Box
69$Every monthHand-picked surprise goodies for your healing journey..- The mantra of the month!
- The Asana (Yoga Pose) of the month!
- The Chakra of the month!
- Organic, Surprise Tea Bags
- A Spiritual Book! (Surprise!)
- An Organic Essential Oil (Surprise!)
- Organic Reiki / Smudge Spray (Surprise!)
- Healing Crystals, and a Crystal Jewelry (Surprise!)
- Aromatherapy candle
- 10% OFF any Reiki Sessions or goodies from the Crystal Store
Pleiades Nova Galactic
245$Every monthSubscribe and save with our monthly membership program!- 1 Pleiades Nova Galactic
- 1 Tarot Question
- 5% off all additional sessions or from the crystal store

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